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The Rules Are, There Are No Rules


A little about both my painting and business style....

When I began painting, I had minimal training and experience. I do have a degree in interior design and worked for many years in the field. But I had an auto cad designer I worked with to input my designs in to a 3D program. I would specify product, but not actually create it with my hands, just my mind's vision. So when I picked up a paint brush and bought a few cans of paint, I was completely winging it. Essentially, I have been self taught. Having said that, over the years I have taken many classes and learned from some highly creative, skilled and beautiful people. However, I am still winging it in the sense I never want to nor am able to just duplicate what someone else has done. I always put my twist on it and remain open to where the piece of furniture or canvas takes me. This is often described as intuitive painting.

My business style follows suit. When I meet with and work with customers, I put my heart on my sleeve, I am honest about my lack of structure and the emotion attached to my work. Without it being my conscious goal, this style has invited some of the best connections I have made with customers, sellers and other artists. Once I meet someone, the connection is real and lasting. I love this. It completely rounds out what I do and reinforces why I do it.

My point is, when my shop door opens this Saturday, June 19th 2021 at noon, please come in, talk to me, get to know me, take in my work and understand my shop is an active work space that will be chaotic at times, often messy, but always filled with love, honesty, creativity and probably kids, maybe a few dogs, good music and an atmosphere that invites comfort and conversation.


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