"Stitch Your Story: Unleash Your Creativity with Every Thread!"
2 hr2 hr
From 10 US dollars
From $10
Pinkerton Street
Service Description
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn embroidery from the very talented and engaging instructor Arvilla Mastromarino! You have two options - you can purchase an embroidery kit (choose from many beautiful designs) or you can bring your own project. If you’re already skilled at embroidery just think of it as a social gathering - but if you need assistance - Arvilla will be able to step in! This will be an ongoing event the first Saturday of each month. Registration is required as space is limited. The class is held within TomandChickpea where you’ll have the opportunity to browse beautiful handmade items and used books while there! Message me with any questions and happy sewing! Cost is $40 with a kit, or just $10 if you bring your own material.